
Our fall semester program is designed to get the most important technological tools of today—digital video, audio, and photography equipment—into your hands to help you understand and document the world around you.
While you’re taking time out between high school and college, or during college, you’ll really be taking time in unique American cities, getting great work experience, living with other interested, curious young people, and making powerful documentaries about the people and issues you encounter as you explore a new place.
The Brown Ledge Gap Year program is designed to give you the chance to live on your own and to learn from experience in a supportive and guided way. The skills you will gain—from cooking your meals to holding a job to planning and executing your own ambitious documentary projects—will help you get the most out of college as well as preparing you for life as an active, curious and involved citizen of the world.

For more information visit: http://brownledgegapyear.com/